Monday, August 17, 2009

I've finished the book! And...

I'm finished with the book now and am ready to post a gazillion things. But I'm wondering about our overall level of interest in discussion. Have we "lost steam"?

Maybe give me an idea of who's still interested in this discussion and we can go from there...

Dale, since this was originally your idea, do you have a specific vision of where you'd like this to go? Have we been asking the right questions? Your input would be great in steering us as well.



Pastor Dale said...

My apologies. August has been overrun with immediate ministry needs and I've gotten way behind. I am going to finish the book this week (I hope) and do want to interact more with it, especially when these same ideas are popping up in other, more "evangelical" sources.

The key question I'm still trying to come to grips with is this: "What is Christianity?" I want Camp's take, Jesus' take, and a clear definition for myself. In the meantime, a woman from a subsidized housing unit just came by and asked if I could get some men to move a heavy, metal frame couch out of her apartment for her because "I've seen you being kind to other residents and I was sure you would help me." She lives alone, has a pancreatic tumor, sometimes wishes she could die, but is afraid to. She thought if I helped haul out her couch I might know her well enough to talk about death and dying with her.
I think she's looking for Jesus. I'd like to point the way. I think that would be "Christian." I'm going to go get some guys to help move the couch.


Jeff Hyatt said...

Hi Dale...I've just been watching this conversation since I have not had the time to read Camp's book. However, I wanted to say that the encounter you just described with this lady in your community sounds a lot like Jesus! Or in Jesus' words, "Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." (Matt. 5:16)

May the Spirit continue to draw this woman into his embrace through Jesus as she walks through this difficult time!

__REV__ said...

When I was hungry you fed me.
When I was naked you clothed me.
When I was dying of pancreatic cancer and needed a big metal frame moved you comforted me and helped me.

-- Jesus (paraphrased with poetic license)

Pastor Dale said...

At a "ministerium" meeting today the local emergency management director talked about some potential responses churches might make to an H1N1 outbreak in Cook County. Two notable suggestions were: cancelling services and limiting occasions for people to gather, and practice "social distancing," in other words, maintain a three foot safe zone distance between you and others at all time.

I know Christians who will flock to this because the government calls it socially responsible. I call it biblically reprehensible. The church should run and hide when people in crisis need us most? Did Jesus fail to touch the lepers? Did he avoid the STD plagued prostitutes? (Don't misread that question.) Did he live in fear of death and disease and wait for the government to figure out the best means for societal survival? NO! He gave his life to save the dying. That's Christian.

Those who save their lives will lose them, but those who give their lives for his sake and for the gospel will find them. I think I'm going to shoot for being among the finders not the weepers.